The questions below came from various community leaders, First Nations leaders and members, guests at information sessions, landowners, and community members along the pipeline route. Here’s your chance to get the answers to frequently asked questions including information about construction, jobs and safety. Do you have a question that isn’t answered below? Please contact us at coastalgaslink@tcenergy.com.
Read the Coastal GasLink Project Overview
Top FAQs
- How do you determine which water crossing approach to use?
- Is Coastal GasLink adding a second pipeline along the project route?
- Why can't the route be adjusted to address the concerns of the Wet'suwet'en Hereditary Chiefs?
- Permitting and compliance
- How did Coastal GasLink engage the Wet'suwet'en community in the project development phase?
Indigenous engagement and consultation
How have you engaged First Nations on your project?
We value the culture, lands and traditions of Indigenous groups. That why our team has worked closely with Indigenous communities throughout the life of the project. We're proud to have signed project agreements with all 20 elected First Nations governments along the approved route and to have awarded $1.5 billion in contracts to Indigenous and local businesses. In March 2022, we announced that TC Energy signed option agreements to sell a 10 per cent equity interest in Coastal GasLink to 16 Indigenous communities along the route.
To date, the Coastal GasLink team has had over 15,000 interactions and engagements with Indigenous communities along the proposed pipeline route, and more than one-third of all the work completed on the project has been conducted by Indigenous people. Since late 2020, all prime contractors have signed agreements with Indigenous communities in whose territory they operate.
Our team has and will continue to ensure that Indigenous communities are informed and have opportunities to provide input to the project, and that Indigenous values and the environment are protected during construction. We have engaged Indigenous communities through a number of initiatives, including the Construction Monitoring and Community Liaison (CMCL) program, through which Indigenous members are selected by their communities to monitor construction and report back to their communities about what they see. We have also implemented the Community Workforce Accommodation Advisor (CWAA) program, which brings local Indigenous community members into residence at lodges, where they design programs to foster a respectful an safe relationship between workers and the local communities that host them. We look forward to continuing to strengthen our relationship with the First Nation communities along the project route today and throughout the life of Coastal GasLink.
How is TC Energy responding to the Indigenous issues on the Coastal GasLink project, specifically with consent from hereditary versus elected Indigenous communities?
Coastal GasLink has the utmost respect for the First Nations system in British Columbia, whether that be elected or hereditary. It is out of this respect that we never made assumptions about who has decision-making authority. Instead, we strived to engage with all the Indigenous groups along the pipeline route—regardless of history or background—to ensure they’ve had opportunities to be part of our project planning process.
Since the project began in 2012, the Coastal GasLink team has engaged in a wide range of consultation activities with the Office of the Wet’suwet’en and directly with Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs. In fact, more than 1,300 phone calls and emails have occurred to discuss the project over the past six years, including approximately 120 in-person meetings specifically with Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs.
Coastal GasLink is proud of the relationships it has built since project inception over a decade ago. We appreciate the strong support we have received from Indigenous groups during this process, including through all 20 project and community agreements that have been reached with the elected Indigenous bands along the project route.
We continue to ensure that Indigenous communities are informed about our project and have opportunities to provide input on the project.
Why can't the route be adjusted to address the concerns of the Wet'suwet'en Hereditary Chiefs?
The project route is fully permitted and is the result of rigorous fieldwork and consultation with Indigenous and local communities. Coastal GasLink adjusted its original routing through extensive consultation with Indigenous communities in the Morice River area near Houston, to protect sensitive cultural and environmental areas. Any significant change to the route at this stage would not allow the project to be successful. Construction of Coastal GasLink will be complete in December 2023.
Have you heard from other Chiefs along the project? Do they support the Hereditary Chiefs?
We are in regular contact with our Indigenous partners and communities along the project route. We have agreements with all 20 of the First Nations along the 670-kilometre project route, and we continue to receive strong support. We will continue to engage with all Indigenous and local communities as we complete construction of this critical energy infrastructure project in December 2023. This project is vital to British Columbia and Canada, including the 20 First Nation communities along the route who are benefiting from social and economic development this project offers. Most recently, in March 2022 16 Nations along the project route signed equity agreements with TC Energy. When the project is complete, these Nations will have the opportunity to become equity owners of Coastal GasLink.
How were First Nations people included during the consultation process?
Consultation with communities and stakeholders began early in the project development process. Since the announcement of the project in June 2012, Coastal GasLink engaged with 31 First Nations, two Tribal Councils and two Metis organizations, while focused consultation has taken place with 30 groups identified in the BC EAO Section 11 Order.
We’ve had over 15,000 interactions and engagements with First Nations communities about Coastal GasLink. Additionally, we developed and distributed information materials, including notifications of permit applications, and have advanced agreements to outline relationship protocols and capacity funding, as well as Traditional Knowledge sharing and participation in project activities and planning.
Throughout the engagement process with First Nations, we held discussions and met on various subjects including the distribution and review of a draft ancillary site map outlining proposed features such as access roads, compressor stations, campsites, etc. contracting and employment opportunities; economic benefits; and routing of the proposed project corridor through each First Nation’s traditional territory. Our team members continue to attend community meetings to review the proposed project with community members. First Nations communities actively engaged in our meetings, and participation on both sides was productive, meaningful and respectful and positive.
Did Coastal GasLink engage the Wet’suwet’en community in the consultation process?
The Wet’suwet’en community had an integral role in helping to shape the project from the very beginning. We’ve held over 120 in-person meetings with Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs and have had over 1,300 other interactions (calls and emails). We will continue to collaborate at every stage of the process.
The Office of the Wet'suwet'en say they offered an alternate route that would avoid their most important sites in 2015. If so, why was the alternate route rejected?
Prior to the Environmental Assessment Certificate (EAC) being issued, Coastal GasLink analyzed a number of potential routes. The analysis of these routes was shared with the Office of the Wet'suwet'en (OW) and the Hereditary Chiefs.
The analysis determined that the alternative routes were not feasible and therefore the route that was ultimately approved by the Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) was selected. Following the issuance of the EAC, and based on input from the OW and members of the Wet’suwet’en Nation, an alternate route was identified; the South of Houston Alternate Route (SHAR). Coastal GasLink applied for and received an amendment to the EAC for the South of Houston Alternate Route (SHAR).
How did Coastal GasLink engage the Wet’suwet’en community in the project development process?
Our collaborative approach with the Wet’suwet’en has been meaningful and informative. Our detailed discussions included field schedules, archeology programs, spatial files, stream crossings, wildlife and vegetation field data, technical reports and surveys.
Extensive discussions have taken place with the community regarding the selection of the proposed route. Additionally, we conducted joint socio-economic studies to identify potential cultural, social and economic impacts or benefits of the project. 42 Wet’suwet’en community members were thoroughly engaged on the project to better understand important sites for traditional activities.
Kweese War Trail: Was cultural and heritage resource protection considered as part of the project development?
Was cultural and heritage resource protection considered as part of the project development?
Coastal GasLink recognizes that B.C. is rich in cultural and heritage resources and we take our obligation to construct responsibly very seriously. The project’s environmental assessment was rigorous and included assessment for cultural and heritage resources and potential archeological sites. These studies were completed by qualified experts and involved field work that included participation from interested local First Nations.
Identifying and ensuring the preservation of artifacts – or other physical evidence of past human activity that may be of cultural heritage value or interest – was an integral part of the careful and proactive planning that went into this project. We have a Heritage Resource Discovery Contingency Plan in place that was developed in accordance with provincial regulations and reviewed and approved as part of the regulatory process to avoid or mitigate cultural heritage effects.
Is Coastal GasLink aware of the oral history of the Kweese War Trail?
Early in project development process, Coastal GasLinked reviewed the Delgamuukw transcripts. This was done at the suggestion of the Office of the Wet’suwet’en (OW) and Hereditary Chiefs. The Kweese War Trail as described in the transcripts tells the story of the war party traveling to the coast and provides details on various places the party stopped along the way but does not provide a definitive trail location.
Earlier this year, the Office of the Wet’suwet’en provided Coastal GasLink with maps that they said identified the Kweese War Trail.
While no evidence of this trail was found by a qualified archeologist in our pre-assessment, we nonetheless worked diligently to protect the areas identified on the maps provided, including the careful and planned avoidance of the specific areas of concern. The areas identified by the Office of the Wet’suwet’en remain intact and protected. We fundamentally disagree that any cultural values have been impacted based on the maps provided by the Office of the Wet’suwet’en. The area identified by the Office of the Wet’suwet’en has been protected and has not been cleared, contrary to claims of such.
What kind of evaluation was done on the Kweese War Trail?
Extensive study has been done in this location, in accordance with the applicable standards and practices using qualified archeologists and with the participation of interested Indigenous groups. This involved on-the-ground study in 2013, 2015 and again in 2019.
What protections are in place to protect the areas around the location identified as the Kweese War Trail?
A number of measures have been taken to safeguard the area in the vicinity, including the placement of corduroy matting, which prevents disturbance to soils. These measures have been taken in consultation with the regulator and interested Indigenous groups. The Office of the Wet’suwet’en has not responded to invitations to participate in this process and we continue to welcome the opportunity to discuss this topic.
How has Coastal GasLink evaluated heritage and cultural resources for the project?
The Archeological Impact Assessment for the project was one component of the process for regulatory review, which was supported by more than 7,000 pages of documentation. The entire corridor was assessed using qualified archeologists and accepted methods of study, which included field work in which interested Indigenous groups participated. Certain locations were targeted for additional assessment and field study. The area in the vicinity of the location identified as a heritage trail was further studied this year.
Information about how the AIA report was prepared is documented and available to the public under Heritage Inspection Permit 2013-0033.
What precautions are taken where pipelines cross rivers?
At Coastal GasLink, we know that water is a highly valued resource. The protection of water is of the utmost importance to both the environment and the communities around us. Our project’s 670-kilometre right-of-way crosses several bodies of water and we approach each one with the highest environmental and safety standards to prevent adverse impacts on the environment. Prior to construction, information was collected about water bodies along the route, including environmental and technical assessments. Environmental assessments included studies of the aquatic environment – such as water flow, bank stability, the quantity and quality of fish habitat, wildlife and vegetation.
Using the information gathered, we then evaluate which crossing method is best suited to the water body’s unique conditions to ensure the crossing is completed safely, leaving the natural resources above intact and undisturbed.
How do you determine which water crossing approach to use?
Our approach to water crossings is a multi-faceted process that involves rigorous evaluation of the best available crossing methods to ensure each water body and habitat receives the appropriate protections. Our integrated multi-disciplinary field teams, which include fisheries biologists, conduct an initial site assessment to gain an understanding of the site’s underlying conditions. The technical feasibility of potential crossing methods is then determined based on site conditions, available workspace considerations, and environmental, geotechnical and geophysical data, input from engagement, and regulatory requirements. A trench or trenchless crossing method is then chosen based on all the information gathered about the local environment and the water body’s unique conditions.
Learn more about how we protect bodies of water.
How do you know that microtunnelling is the safest method to cross the Morice?
We recognize that the health of the Morice River is vitally important to the surrounding communities and the ecosystem of the region. Together with subject matter experts and input from Indigenous communities, a significant amount of environmental and technical assessments have taken place to inform the selection of the safest and most effective crossing methodology.
We are confident that micro-tunneling, one of the most expensive and technologically advanced forms of trenchless crossings, is the safest method to cross the Morice River. At its closest, the tunnel will be approximately 11m below the bed of the river and does not pose a threat to any fish eggs that may be above the tunneling activity. Coastal GasLink is not carrying out blasting at the Morice River and is not expected to affect spawning fish or incubating eggs that may be above the tunneling activity.
What happens once construction is complete?
At all of our construction sites, we strive to restore the land to the way we found it. We monitor the construction footprint to see how the water and surrounding vegetation return as part of our 5-year post-construction monitoring. We look at the effectiveness of measures we put in place to reduce impacts. During the operations phase of the project, surveillance activities such as fly overs will be used to monitor the right-of-way on a regular basis. In addition, our people on-the-ground may do site visits to follow-up on any noted change along the right-of-way.
By monitoring the rivers and streams after construction, we can ensure safe and reliable operations and measure how effective our mitigation and reclamation techniques were and determine if any further work may be needed.
Will Coastal GasLink be involved in fracking?
Coastal GasLink will not be producing the natural gas – our role is to ensure the safe transportation of natural gas once it is produced.
What are noxious weeds?
Noxious weeds, as identified by the B.C. Weed Control Act, are non-native plant species that have been introduced into a region or area of the province from an outside source. These have the potential to pose undesirable or detrimental impacts on humans, animals or ecosystems. Due to the lack of predators from their natural environment that would help control their aggressive growth tendencies, noxious weeds can be highly destructive to habitat and food production values, and difficult to control if left unchecked. Early and rapid response to localized infestations is critical to keep them contained.
What are the environmental impacts associated with chemical applications?
As is the case with all weed control treatments, application of herbicides has both benefits and limitations. The main benefits of chemical application, depending on the method, are that it can be highly selective, with little to no off-target drift and can be used on a large variety of weed species. We understand that there are concerns regarding the use of chemical applications and only employ them when deemed necessary, in accordance to regulations and consultation.
Herbicides (chemical control) are bad for water and aquatic health. How will you manage these risks?
Herbicides are not applied within 10 metres of a waterbody. Extensive consultation has been done with impacted landowners and Indigenous groups to address the potential for disturbance of any sensitive areas and appropriate adjustments to the plan have been made, based on their feedback.
Is the application of herbicides (chemical control) necessary?
- Noxious weeds can be highly destructive to habitat and food production values, and difficult to control if left unchecked. Early and rapid response to localized infestations is critical to keep them contained.
- There are many factors to consider when prescribing a vegetation treatment for each area such as type of vegetation, native vegetation, adjacent land use, proximity to water, land features, time of year and landowner, Indigenous and stakeholder concerns.
- Herbicides are applied only by qualified certified applicators that are specially trained to apply herbicides safely, following stringent legislative requirements.
- All herbicides sold and used in Canada are subject to thorough review and evaluation by Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency to ensure herbicides pose no unacceptable risk to human health and the environment when label directions are followed.
What other methods do you use?
- Manual and mechanical control involves physically removing or damaging unwanted target vegetation.
- Manual and mechanical controls include mowing/mulching, weed whacking and hand pulling.
- Some methods can be applied at any time of year.
- Manual and mechanical controls are suitable in environmentally sensitive areas.
- Cultural Control Treatments are preventative treatments that involve planting preferred forbs and grasses to disturbed sites to establish natural plant competition where noxious weeds can gain a foothold.
- Cultural control treatments are most appropriate in small, recently disturbed areas when appropriate planting material is available.
- These treatments are not suitable on every site because of soil and site conditions, as well as land use.
How did you engage or meet with landowners and Indigenous communities to discuss the proposed IVMP?
- Landowner concerns and comments regarding weed control measures during construction activities were incorporated into the Coastal GasLink Pre-Construction Report.
- Further opportunity for input into the project IVMP was provided through the notice, published in newspapers along the route from March 4-27th, 2020.
Indigenous communities:
- Early engagement provided opportunities for communities to share information and provide input into the planning of the project and vegetation management activities, and engagement on the IVMP will continue.
- We will continue to consult with and engage Indigenous groups that are potentially affected by the Project. As a part of our commitment, we will continue to share project information with Indigenous groups throughout the construction and operation of the Project.
How have you engaged the public on the proposed IVMP?
As outlined by the B.C. Integrated Pest Management Act, a person wishing to contribute information about a proposed treatment site, relevant to the development of the pest management plan, may send their inquiry to the Project (the applicant), as outlined in our notice. Notices were published beginning March 4, 2020 to March 27, 2020 in several newspaper outlets across the Project route.
If a proposed herbicide use under the IVMP plan has the potential to significantly impact an individual or community outside of those who have been already engaged, we will make reasonable efforts to contact and consult those individuals and incorporate their feedback into the plan.
How are different types of land differentiated?
We have completed a weed inventory along the Project route to identify areas of concern, along with species and density of weeds. Each location will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and treatment options will be identified for each location individually. Land-use of the affected area to be treated, as well as adjacent land will be considered when selecting a suitable treatment option.
Does Coastal GasLink have its final Environmental Assessment Office permits for construction?
Coastal GasLink’s work is lawful, authorized, fully permitted and has the support of local and Indigenous communities, and has agreements in place with all 20 elected First Nations councils across the 670 km route.
How is Coastal GasLink permitted?
The B.C. government, through the Oil and Gas Commission (OGC) and Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) regulates approval of natural gas pipeline projects. There are a number of permits required for the pipeline and facilities construction. There are also local permits required for some of the work, depending on what and where the work is located.
Each of the OGC permits related to pipeline and facilities construction includes up to 70 conditions which will govern the implementation of the project related to:
- Ongoing reporting to the regulator
- Notification of affected parties during construction
- First Nations engagement
- Heritage conservation
- Stream crossings
- Land clearing
- Wildlife
- Terrain stability
- Engineering
You can read more about permitting in this announcement.
What are permit conditions?
Permit conditions are legal operational guidelines provided by regulators that direct Coastal GasLink on how it is to undertake pipeline construction and operation activities.
What do the permit conditions cover?
Permit conditions usually protect environmental, social and economic values that have been identified during the environmental assessment process as being important to protect and mitigate from potential impacts.
What are some examples of permit conditions?
Some examples of permit conditions would be not to undertake water crossing construction activities during times important to fish for passage or spawning; not to undertake tree clearing activities during important bird nesting or migratory seasons and to provide potentially impacted communities, such as First Nations, with advance notice of activities in nearby areas.
Can permit conditions be varied or amended?
Yes, regulators can amend permit conditions based on an application from Coastal GasLink or any other project proponent. Permit conditions generally cover larger than necessary time periods or areas and can, under certain circumstances, be amended to allow for construction activities to occur despite a permit condition having been ordered by a regulator.
Some opponents have said Coastal GasLink doesn't have all the necessary permits. Is that true?
The project has all the necessary permits for construction. Coastal GasLink was awarded an Environmental Assessment Certificate in 2014 in consideration of Indigenous and local community input, environmental factors, land use compatibility, safety, constructability and economics. This certificate was extended in Oct. 2019 for a further five years after having been thoroughly reviewed by the Environmental Assessment Office.
What was the result of the recent construction site inspections?
To date, the project has been inspected more than 500 times by regulators, with a satisfactory inspection rate of 90% as reported by the B.C. Oil and Gas Commission, compared to the industry standard of 82%.
Why does Coastal GasLink have an injunction in place?
In order to safely construct the project, Coastal GasLink needs access to the Morice River bridge and a public access road to begin construction activities. For the Coastal GasLink team, this decision was not taken lightly. Unfortunately, it has become a last resort and a necessary action in our efforts to safely gain access to the Morice River Bridge, after years of attempting to engage the blockade to work through a solution.
Do your construction-related activities impact local and Indigenous communities, including traditional activities?
Coastal GasLink makes every effort to notify surrounding communities when new construction work begins in a specific area.
Any work that occurs on an active construction site is accessible to authorized personnel only to ensure awareness and to prevent any disturbance to traditional land use.
Construction of Coastal GasLink is anticipated to be complete by December 2023.
When will construction of Coastal GasLink be complete?
Construction activities started in January 2019 following a positive Final Investment Decision (FID) by the joint venture partners of LNG Canada (our pipeline customers). Construction is on pace to be completed in December 2023 thanks to the dedication and support of the communities and workforce along the pipeline route. Please visit our construction update to stay up to date on project progress.
Is the pipeline buried under the ground? How many compressor stations will be constructed?
The pipeline is buried at a depth of approximately one (1) metre, and the project includes some above-ground facilities, such as the Wilde Lake facility and the Kitimat Meter Station. For example, meter stations measure the volume of natural gas moving through the pipeline. Compressor stations are used to increase the gas pressure to transport the gas through the pipeline.
Will construction of a natural gas pipeline lead to its future conversion to an oil pipeline?
There are no plans to convert this line to any other use. All of our studies, the design, and construction are planned for natural gas transportation, and the pipeline would not be suitable to transport oil. Coastal GasLink will also be bound by contract to provide natural gas for a minimum of 25 years, with numerous options to renew this service. The LNG Canada facilities, to which the pipeline will deliver natural gas, have no need for oil; they and the upstream natural reserves represent a significant capital investment and are expected to operate for well in excess of 25 years.
In addition, any future change to the use of the pipeline is subject to regulatory approval, including full consultation with government, local communities and First Nations.
How does Coastal GasLink promote safety on the project?
Safety is, and always will be, our number one value. From design and construction, to operation and maintenance, we are committed to keeping Coastal GasLink and your communities safe.
We do not compromise on the health and safety of our workforce. Safety is a fundamental value not just in our field operations, but also in our offices and boardrooms.
A key component of our strategy to keeping health and safety top-of-mind around the clock is our commitment to a positive safety culture. Before a worker even sets foot on-site, they’re thoroughly trained on the health and safety requirements of the project. Every worker undergoes a stringent safety orientation program and understands that we have zero tolerance for any kind of behaviour that endangers the health and safety of our workforce.
By continually modelling and reinforcing safe practices on our worksites, we’re successfully working towards a goal of zero workplace incidents.
How does Coastal GasLink prevent natural gas leaks from occurring along the pipeline?
We use high-quality steel and the best construction practices when building pipelines. All pipe is tested well above normal operating pressure before it is put into operation. Our pipelines are cathodically protected, which means a low-voltage electric current is induced in the vicinity of the pipeline to inhibit external corrosion. Pipelines are monitored 24 hours a day by trained operators who respond immediately to any indication of abnormal operation.
Cleaning and inspection tools called “smart PIGs,” are pushed along inside the pipeline using the pressure of the natural gas itself. These tools help assess the pipeline’s integrity and gathers data that shapes our pipeline maintenance programs.
If anomalies are detected, the pipeline segment in question may be excavated and visually inspected for repair or replacement. The project route will also be patrolled on the ground and from the air.
Every year, TC Energy invests millions of dollars in preventive maintenance and integrity programs that help us proactively identify and upgrade the safety systems of our infrastructure network.
What happens if there is a natural gas leak?
Pipelines like Coastal GasLink are the safest method to transport natural gas over considerable distances. While we take every possible safety precaution, we also must be prepared to respond if there’s an incident on our pipeline.
The process used at TC Energy for emergency response is the “Incident Command System (ICS)”. This allows for a unified command approach, where TC Energy works directly with federal, provincial, local and aboriginal authorities to develop common objectives and action plans to address emergencies. If an emergency occurs, we immediately confirm the exact location of the emergency and identify affected facilities. Valves spaced at intervals throughout the pipeline system shut off the flow of gas and allow the location to be effectively isolated. We work closely with local emergency service groups, regulatory agencies, landowners, community officials, and the media throughout any incident.
Coastal GasLink has prepared a comprehensive Emergency Response Plan that outlines procedures to protect the public, emergency responders, property and the environment in the unlikely event of an emergency. Detailed analyses of emergency response scenarios also help us determine where and how to locate resources that will allow us to respond as quickly, and effectively as possible during potential emergencies.
In addition, our prime contractors will be required to submit safety plans that address emergency procedures aligned with our health and safety expectations. Our prime contractors may also undertake their own emergency exercises or simulations during construction.
Is natural gas toxic to people working on or around the project?
Natural gas is one of the world’s cleanest and safest energy sources. It is a naturally occurring gas mixture consisting primarily of methane, but may also contain other valuable products such as propane and butane. It is lighter than air, which means should a leak occur, natural gas dissipates into the air. Exposure to low levels of natural gas is not harmful to people, the environment or wildlife.
I live and work near the project route – what can I do to help keep myself, my community and the pipeline safe?
The Coastal GasLink pipeline will be monitored from our state-of-the-art control centre 24 hours a day, 365 days a year using satellite technology and sensors within the pipeline. As with all large infrastructure, there are still various situations that could pose risks to a pipeline, and in turn, the public, our workforce, and the environment.
The biggest risk to a pipeline is when unauthorized activities or excavation is conducted on the project route. Any of the following activities require written consent from TC Energy.
- any ground disturbance within 30 metres of the centerline of the pipe;
- construction of a facility on a pipeline right-of-way; or,
- vehicle or mobile equipment crossing the pipeline right-of-way.
Failure to obtain written consent can result in serious consequences. Always call before you dig and help keep yourself, your community and the pipeline safe.
Will compressor stations disrupt the community with bright lights and noise? Can we expect to see flaring gas into the air?
There are no routine gas emissions from compressor stations. Any venting at the station would only be done under controlled conditions for pipeline and station maintenance or as a result of a pipeline emergency. There are no flare stacks proposed for our compressor stations and little to no gas emissions. TC Energy is recognized as a leader in greenhouse gas emissions management, with particular emphasis on methane emissions management programs.
Noise levels are regulated and will be at or less than 40 decibels at all areas within 1.5 km of compressor stations. Noise levels will be routinely monitored to ensure they remain in compliance with the appropriate local regulations. We engineer stations to minimize the noise impact to the surrounding areas, including silencers and noise attenuation on the buildings. We also contain our turbo compressors within acoustic enclosures inside our compressor buildings. The compressor buildings themselves are purposely built to further ease noise levels. Our teams work diligently to ensure noise levels are no more than 45 decibels at our station fence line. This is equivalent to the sound of a refrigerator humming or a running stream, and is consistent with normal background noise in the area. As a point of comparison, normal conversation at one metre is 60 decibels.
Our compressor stations are unmanned and facility lights are shut off at night (except for safety lights over doorways) unless there are maintenance activities being conducted.
Will it be safe to drive over the project route once it’s complete?
Driving over a pipeline can damage the integrity of the pipe over time, potentially leading to weakness or corrosion in the pipeline. That’s why, road, highway and other common crossings have been designed with weight loads, traffic frequency and depth in mind. We often use thicker pipe, deeper installation, or other mitigating measures to reduce impact to the pipe in areas that may see more frequent crossings. For everyone’s safety, it is important to always contact us if you need to drive equipment or heavy loads over a pipeline right-of-way that is not part of a highway or public road.
If you need to cross the pipeline right-of-way, simply contact TC Energy's crossings team, and we will work with you to find a way to do so safely. You might only be driving over the pipeline once or twice, but for a pipeline designed to last decades, each incident adds up, eventually comprising the safety and integrity of the pipe. Help keep the pipeline and the community safe, and make sure you get approval from TC Energy’s crossings team.
Project benefits
How will you make jobs and contracting opportunities available to northern B.C. residents?
To date, Coastal GasLink and our Prime Contractors have awarded subcontracts valued at more than $1.5 billion to Indigenous and local businesses, and our Primes continue to provide hiring opportunities for Indigenous and local workers across the Project. As we transition into operations, we will continue to support a skilled local workforce through long-term employment opportunities.
How many jobs will be created from this project?
More than 6,000 jobs have been created throughout the construction of the pipeline. In addition, approximately 16 to 35 permanent field positions for operations and maintenance will be maintained once the pipeline is operational. While long-term pipeline-related jobs will be small in relation to construction jobs, the long-term, ongoing economic benefits to local communities will be substantial, including through the development of a skilled workforce through experience working on the project, as well as investment in local communities through our community investment partnerships.
Will Indigenous communities benefit from this project?
Indigenous people are already benefiting economically from our northern B.C. pipeline projects, participating in tens of thousands of hours of environmental field work as advisors, technicians and support employees. In fact, to date, more than one-third of all the work completed on the project has been conducted by Indigenous people.
Coastal GasLink has also awarded $1.5 billion in contracts to Indigenous and local businesses, including $620 million which has been awarded to Indigenous businesses for the project’s right-of-way clearing, medical, security and camp management needs, and another estimated $400 million in additional contract and employment opportunities for Indigenous and local B.C. communities during pipeline construction. In March 2022, we announced that TC Energy signed option agreements to sell a 10 per cent equity interest in Coastal GasLink to 15 Indigenous communities along the route, which will provide them with equity ownership in the project once complete. Since late 2020, all prime contractors have signed agreements with Indigenous communities in whose territory they operate.
Will education and training programs be offered to local and Indigenous communities?
Coastal GasLink has developed a plan with two components to invest in skills development and long-term education programs to support Aboriginal and local residents and trainees, like our Pathway to Pipeline Readiness and Education Legacy Programs.
Since 2014, TC Energy’s education and training programs have opened up over 450 seats in classrooms for students in B.C. Since 2012, TC Energy has invested approximately $6.5 million in communities like yours. Coastal GasLink’s Education Legacy Program in Northern B.C. is designed to build long-term growth and sustainability of local communities and looks for opportunities to build long-term community capacity through educational initiatives and partnering with not-for-profits and post-secondary institutions.
Through our partnership with the Breakfast Club of Canada, healthy breakfasts are being provided every day to students in elementary schools in Prince George (Ron Brent Elementary), Vanderhoof (Evelyn Dickson Elementary) and the Terrace area (Thornhill Primary). Learn more.
In 2021, Coastal GasLink renewed investments at two of Northern B.C.’s leading post-secondary institutions, the University of North British Columbia (UNBC) and the College of New Caledonia (CNC). These investments will support Indigenous and local communities to access the skills and training needed to participate in projects like Coastal GasLink and other future developments.
Coastal GasLink’s partnership with UNBC provides an investment of $180,000 over the next three years to support civil and environmental engineering programs, as well as funding for Indigenous students enrolled at UNBC. The renewed partnership with CNC includes an investment of $150,000 to support unique programs such as the Coastal GasLink Pathway to Pipeline Readiness: CNC Skills Fund Bursaries, which support trades and technology students in need. The Pathways to Pipeline Readiness Program includes partnerships with other institutions such as Prince George Nechako Aboriginal Education and Training Association, Northwest Community College, Tribal Resources Investment Corporation and Northern Lights College. This funding will also assist in the purchasing and upgrading of equipment for trades programs at five CNC campuses including Prince George, Burns Lake, Vanderhoof, Fort St. James, and Mackenzie .
General FAQs
Is Coastal GasLink adding a second pipeline along the project route?
Coastal GasLink has no plans to add another pipeline to the project’s corridor. It is a fully permitted 670 km single pipeline that will safely deliver natural gas across northern BC. Adding another pipeline would require regulatory approval, including full consultation with government, Indigenous and local communities.
How does Coastal GasLink handle grievances or disagreements with stakeholders, including landowners and Indigenous groups?
A core component of Coastal GasLink's ongoing engagement to develop long-term relationships with stakeholders, landowners and Indigenous communities in whose territory the company operates includes information sharing, identification of issues and efforts to address concerns. These efforts are in part, intended to avoid grievances through a proactive approach to mitigating potential grievances.
Coastal GasLink's preferred method for addressing the concerns of stakeholders, landowners, and Indigenous is through direct and respectful discussion. Issues received or identified through ongoing engagement are systematically tracked and followed up on to promote resolution. In the event that resolution through this approach is not reached, we rely on existing regulatory and legal processes. Our goal is always to treat people fairly, using a principled approach.
For more information, please read TC Energy's Stakeholder Commitment Statement, our Socio-economic Effects Management Plan, find our contact information here or email coastalgaslink@tcenergy.com.
Are you selling an equity stake in Coastal GasLink?
On Oct. 2, 2018, TC Energy announced it would proceed with construction of the Coastal GasLink pipeline project. In conjunction with that announcement, the company noted that as part of its funding plan for the Project it intends to explore joint venture partners and project financing.
On Dec. 26, 2019, TC Energy announced that it entered into an agreement to sell a 65 per cent equity interest in the Coastal GasLink Pipeline Project (Coastal GasLink or the Project) to KKR and Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo) on behalf of certain AIMCo clients.
Most recently, On March 9, 2022, TC Energy announced that it had signed option agreements to sell a 10 per cent equity interest in Coastal GasLink to the CGL First Nations Limited Partnership (CGL FNLP) and the FN CGL Pipeline Limited Partnership. This historic agreement was just one way that TC Energy and Coastal GasLink are working towards true partnership through equity ownership.
We remain fully committed to the Project and will continue to construct, deliver and operate the pipeline on behalf of the partnership. Our focus remains on the successful construction of the project.
How will you communicate the planning and construction of the Coastal GasLink pipeline to the community?
We believe engagement is a two-way process. We encourage British Columbians to share their views and concerns with us through outlets such as this web page.
Where possible, we prefer face-to-face communication with people potentially affected by the project. Our communications and engagement program has included and will continue to include free, public community information sessions; presentations to local government councils and community groups; community engagement brochures, newsletters and information packages; and the project website.