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Jan 30 2015

TransCanada looks to local contractors

Posted by Coastal GasLink

TransCanada’s local contract representative Scott Bone was at the Fort St. John Chamber of Commerce lunch this past Tuesday to give a timeline of the projects and inform subcontractors how to get involved.

The two big pipelines are the Prince Rupert Gas Transmission (PRGT) project, which would run from near Hudson’s Hope to Prince Rupert, and the Coastal GasLink project, which would run from Dawson Creek to Kitimat.

The final investment decision (FID) for the PRGT is expected to come in this year, while the green light for the Coastal GasLink is expected for early 2016, said Bone.

But as soon as that is, there’s some other work to be done first. Before any local companies will start getting those contracts, however, TransCanada will first be hiring three prime contractors, multinational firms that are responsible for the construction of the pipelines.

“Any prime contractor that wants to bid on a TransCanada contract requires in their bid document to include details around their aboriginal and local participation program,” said Bone. “These plans describe how the contractors will identify and use the local business capacity.”

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