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Oct 9 2015

Regulatory update – we’re applying for alternate routes

Posted by Coastal GasLink

After extensive consultation with Aboriginal groups in the area of the Morice River near Houston, we plan on applying for an alternate route in November 2015. Feedback was given by Aboriginal groups about pipeline construction activities south of the Morice River, and the potential effect to the underground springs that feed the river. As we’ve being doing all along, we’ve been seeking opportunities to respond to feedback; this is an example of us listening and responding to that feedback.

We will be applying to amend our Environmental Assessment Certificate that we received from the Environmental Assessment Office, and our B.C. Oil and Gas Commission permit. Information on the alternate route has been collected, including environmental, archaeological and engineering data. When deciding on the final route, we will take into account commercial, cultural and environmental considerations, and constructability. Both the approved route and the alternate route being proposed could be built, and respect the environment through which we would pass.

Coastal GasLink filed its amendment applications for the South of Houston Alternate Route with the B.C. Environmental Assessment Office and the Oil and Gas Commission in November 2017. Coastal GasLink’s consideration of a proposed alternate route was entirely initiated as a potential solution to the feedback received from Aboriginal groups in the area.

In late 2014, Coastal GasLink initiated a program to provide local Aboriginal groups with the opportunity to participate in field study activities, information sharing and intergenerational transfer of traditional and cultural knowledge along sections of the Coastal GasLink pipeline corridor.

After extensive consultation with Aboriginal people from various groups through that program, Coastal GasLink initiated additional studies and engineering work to create the South of Houston alternate option to help further reduce effects on traditional and cultural land.

Coastal GasLink was given approval for the South of Houston Alternate Route by the Environmental Assessment Office in May 2018.

Coastal GasLink announced it will proceed with construction on the project following a positive Final Investment Decision (FID) from its partner, LNG Canada on October 2, 2018.