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Dec 14 2018

Injunction decision

Posted by Coastal GasLink

We appreciate the court’s decision today in providing us with an interim injunction to move forward with our pre-construction activities. We will continue to participate in the legal process related to this case.

Right now, our focus is on respectfully and safely moving forward with project activities, including gaining safe access across the Morice River bridge. We understand there are individuals who do not share the same opinions about this project, and we respect that. We simply ask that their activities do not disrupt or jeopardize the safety of our employees and contractors, surrounding communities or even themselves.

We also want to reiterate that Coastal GasLink is only looking for access across the bridge to do the necessary work. The camp established next to the bridge will remain. In fact, we see no reason why the camp cannot continue with its activities. We simply need to use the public bridge to access our pipeline right of way. The bridge provides the only physical connection in the area to the right of way. Our pipeline is located approximately one kilometre south of the camp, and does not overlap or directly affect the camp, as some reports have claimed.

While our continued attempts to find a mutual solution with the camp over the past six years have not been successful, we remain committed in our endeavour to keep all lines of communication open to find that solution.

Download the Revised Injunction Order

Download the Injunction Order