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Jun 5 2019

Coastal GasLink project introduces leading-edge safety camera and radar equipment

Posted by Coastal GasLink

As part of our commitment to creating an extraordinary legacy of safety and respect for communities and the environment, Coastal GasLink is driving workplace safety to new heights.

A leading-edge camera and radar system is being implemented that will help bring visibility to prospective blind spots of heavy equipment on our busy Coastal GasLink work sites – a first for a project of this size and scope in British Columbia.

“While the new radar systems aren’t intended to be a replacement for every worker’s diligence and safety training, they’ll act as an added line of defense to busy and potentially dangerous worksites,” explains Michael Gibb, Director of Health, Safety, and Security for Coastal GasLink.

“Every day, at every stage of Coastal GasLink’s construction, safety is top of mind. It’s at the core of everything we do, and we’re always striving to improve standards and achieve our goal of a zero-incident workplace,” adds Gibb.



Preliminary construction is well underway along various locations of the 670-kilometre route of Coastal GasLink. Over the course of the next three years, the project will see hundreds of pieces of heavy equipment including dozers, excavators, side booms, rock trucks and loaders working on our right of way. For workers on foot, a busy right of way where heavy equipment and machinery is constantly on the move can be a dangerous place. Every year across North America, construction workers are killed and injured from being struck by heavy equipment and machinery as they all have significant blind spots. 

Enter the cutting-edge camera and radar systems: high-performance waterproof cameras, proximity sensors and monitors allow operators to see blind spots, and the system alerts the operator when an object is sensed.

The system can be programmed to precisely eliminate false signals, focusing solely on the area of immediate risk in the blind spots. The system lights up when movement is detected and audible alarms activate at a pre-specified distance. The systems, installed on all heavy equipment in use on the project, will allow the equipment operator to be aware if a person or object is in the danger zone before an incident occurs. 

“With the combination of committed safety leadership, leading-edge technology and industry best practices, Coastal GasLink is leading the way to improve worker safety around heavy equipment,” explains Gibb.

While the technology is relatively new, it has recently been adopted by the Canadian Energy Pipeline Association (CEPA) as an industry best practice, and has shown to reduce the number of worksite incidents significantly.

The Safe Work Guidelines developed around the new system will be adopted by all Prime Contractor and Subcontractors working on Coastal GasLink work sites before August 1, and are applicable to all heavy equipment utilized on the project with the exception of equipment used during logging and clearing activities.

With over 65 years of experience building and operating pipelines, TC Energy uses only the best materials and safety practices. From design and construction to operation and maintenance, we are committed to keeping Coastal GasLink and your communities safe. Learn more about how we make safety a priority here

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