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Jul 23 2019

Fourth Coastal GasLink First Nations leaders meeting held

Posted by Coastal GasLink

Since the beginning of 2019, Coastal GasLink has facilitated meetings with leaders from its Indigenous partners from the project’s right-of-way with the fourth taking place on Friday, July 19, 2019 in Vancouver. As construction advances this continued engagement and two-way dialogue is imperative to ensuring the success of the Project.

The meetings have focused on various topics of interest such as construction activities in their communities as well as workforce accommodations, environmental protection, contracting and employment opportunities. At the July meeting, the discussion centered on an overall project and construction update along the entire pipeline route and special attention was paid to continued engagement with Indigenous and local communities to ensure awareness of what to expect as construction progresses.  

Indigenous participation is critical to delivering a successful project that creates opportunity today and for future generations for Indigenous and northern communities. Coastal GasLink looks forward to continuing the dialogue on this important $6.2-billion natural gas pipeline project that is under construction and delivering employment and other opportunities to British Columbians.