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Apr 6 2020

Coastal GasLink donates $100,000 to United Way of Northern BC’s COVID-19 Relief Fund

Posted by Coastal GasLink

Coastal GasLink is pleased to announce a $100,000 donation and partnership with United Way of Northern BC (UWNBC) to support the increasing needs of those affected by COVID-19.

Read the news release.

“As healthcare professionals and first responders across North America work tirelessly to slow the spread of COVID-19, local charities are also under strain to support those most vulnerable during this unprecedented situation,” said Kiel Giddens, BC Public Affairs Manager for TC Energy & Coastal GasLink Pipeline. “We want to do our part to support our neighbours, colleagues, and friends in the communities we live and work in across Northern BC.”

This donation will help UWNBC in its effort to support the needs of the most vulnerable in our communities, including seniors in isolation, our homeless, those struggling with mental health and addiction and those needing food support amidst the COVID-19 emergency.

“There are so many wonderful non-profits, charities, organizations and volunteers doing amazing work to help so many during this COVID-19 pandemic, and to see Coastal GasLink step in and offer United Way of Northern BC $100,000 is completely amazing and shows we can do more together!” says Sarrah Storey, Mayor of Fraser Lake. “I know United Way of Northern BC’s amazing team are working behind the scenes making sure our communities in Northern BC have what they need in order to thrive and get through this very hard time. Donations like what we see today will truly impact so many lives in positive ways, protecting our vulnerable seniors, adults, youth, and families with supports that could include meal, prescription, and grocery deliveries, wellness checks and so much more. TC Energy continues to show us the meaning of social responsibility with partnerships and contributions like this.”

Kathleen Connolly, Executive Director of the Dawson Creek Chamber of Commerce, adds, “During these challenging times, we need to care for and protect the most vulnerable in our community. The Dawson Creek Chamber has partnered with Coastal GasLink on many initiatives to strengthen Dawson Creek and the surrounding area. This goes beyond anything I would have expected. I have so much gratitude and appreciation for this exceptional donation and what it will mean to those who need it the most.”



Photos provided by United Way of Northern BC (UWNBC).

Help us help our community

This donation is part of a broader giving effort across North America by TC Energy, the company that’s building Coastal GasLink.

TC Energy has also launched the TC Energy Giving Portal, to further help organizations across Canada support people and communities affected by COVID-19.

This initiative is fundraising for incredible causes in Canada, the U.S. or Mexico that are working hard to provide relief for COVID-19, including Breakfast Club of Canada / Club des petits déjeuners, United Way Centraide Canada, UNICEF Canada, Feeding America, Center for Disaster Philanthropy, CDC Foundation Paramédicos motorizados Cruz Roja CDMX and UNICEF México.

The best part? Anyone can donate! And TC Energy will match donation to 100 per cent up to $500,000.

We’re also matching donations through our employee giving program, Empower. We are actively encouraging our employees to give to causes in our project and operations areas, including the United Way of Northern BC COVID19 Relief Fund. Every dollar donated by our employees will be matched at 200 per cent.

More information

For more information on the programs and agencies supported by United Way of Northern BC, visit or contact UWNBC at 250-561-1040 or United Way of Northern BC aims to improve lives by expanding capacity to harness the caring power for people in Northern BC. UWNBC positively affects 1 in 3 people through their impact work in the region; empowering other non-profit agencies, engaging with community partners and multiple levels, advocating the unique needs of the Northern BC region, engaging in the Day of Caring initiatives, and providing funding to other non-profits through their Community Investment & Impact Program.