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Jan 17 2020

January construction update

Posted by Coastal GasLink

Our first Construction Update of 2020 is now available. Check out our section-by-section updates here. Stay informed and sign up to receive our monthly construction updates right to your inbox. 

Coastal GasLink rang in the New Year with several significant developments that pave the way for continued construction momentum in 2020, including installing first sections of pipe later this summer. 

Construction across the route resumed the week of Jan. 6 following a holiday break. With 32 per cent of the route now cleared, various construction activities are underway across the 670-kilometre route and will increase over the coming months. You can expect to see pipe and equipment deliveries, additional workforce accommodation sites established to house arriving workers, and the beginning of pipe assembly this summer.

Coastal GasLink continues to progress construction across the 670-kilometre project route from Kitimat to Chetwynd, with more than 1,000 women and men, many of them local and Indigenousundertaking clearing, grading, continued workforce accommodation establishment and other activities in January. 

The project continues to deliver benefits to Indigenous and local communities$870 million in contracts have been awarded since Final Investment Decision in October 2018