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Dec 18 2020

December construction update

Posted by Coastal GasLink

As 2020 comes to a close, the Coastal GasLink team has made an incredible amount of progress. Our year-end video and progress graphic, our ‘graphic of the month’, instill deep pride for what the Coastal GasLink team is focused on: building Canada’s largest private infrastructure project to date inclusively with local communities and Indigenous partners that will help reduce emissions in overseas markets. Get all the details on progress, what’s happening along the project route and what’s to come in our December construction update.

Highlights at the end of the year include:

Pipe installation gains ground

Section 3 became the latest area along the project route to begin pipe installation and Section 1 surpassed the halfway mark of pipe installation at 60%, making it the second section to achieve this milestone; Section 4 has 83% of pipe installed. To date, 125 km of pipe has been installed along the project route.

Final weld completed at the Kitimat Meter Station

In late November, the Kitimat Meter Station performed its final weld on station piping. With construction of the facility near completion, pressure testing of the pipe is scheduled for the second quarter of 2021.

Grading underway in Section 2

In November, grading activities began in Section 2, making it the seventh out of our eight sections to have grading underway. Read more about grading and the other stages of construction.

As we head into 2021, our commitment to safety and compliance will remain at the forefront. Look forward to seeing more achievements in the new year as we advance this important project.