After a summer of milestones, construction on Coastal GasLink is at its peak this month. Coastal GasLink continues to ramp up with more activity — and more workers — across the project right-of-way. We’re proud to be a part of B.C.’s healthy economic recovery, and of all that we’ve accomplished together this summer. Get all the details on progress, what’s happening along the project route and what’s to come in our September construction update. Some of the highlights include:
Kitimat Direct Pipe Installation complete
Protecting water and aquatic life throughout construction and into operations is paramount and we use state-of-the-art technology and methods to help us do that. Direct Pipe Installation (DPI) is a highly specialized trenchless construction method that installs pipe underneath a waterway and in late August, we completed the first DPI near Kitimat, located on the west end of the Coastal GasLink route. DPI installations along the Coastal GasLink route will vary from 325 metres to 535 metres in length. Find out more about water crossings.
Clearing underway along the entire right-of-way
The first stage of pipeline construction — clearing — is now officially underway (and complete in some locations) along all sections of the right-of-way. In August, Section 7 joined in clearing activities along the Coastal GasLink route.
Workforce accommodations operational in all eight sections
This month marks the first time workforce accommodations in each of our sections are operational with Sanataa Lodge (Section 1) and Huckleberry Lodge (Section 7) welcoming Coastal GasLink workforce members. A new and unique program - the Community Workforce Accommodation Advisor (CWAA) Program — is being launched at new and existing sites to enhance the experience of workers and provide opportunities for neighboring Indigenous communities.
Field workforce adds almost 1,000 workers
We’re employing workers from across B.C., with an additional 1,000 women and men in the field in September compared to the end of July. Information on the diverse employment and contracting opportunities available can be found on our Employment page.