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Feb 25 2021

Coastal GasLink launches worker testing program as part of enhanced COVID-19 Management Plan

Posted by Coastal GasLink

Coastal GasLink started rolling out testing for all workers across our 670-kilometre project route, adding an important tool in the collective effort to stop the spread of COVID-19.

 “Implementation of asymptomatic testing for our workers will add another layer of protection for our workforce, their families, and local communities,” said Mike Gibb, Coastal GasLink’s Director of Health, Safety and Security.

Workforce screening is a critical component of Coastal GasLink’s enhanced COVID-19 Management Plan, recently approved by Northern Health and B.C.’s Provincial Health Officer.

“Testing is an important part of our overall COVID-19 Management Plan. Together with other measures, like mandatory mask use, they provide us with a comprehensive approach to minimize the spread of the virus, and help protect our workers return safely to work.”

Testing commenced on February 22, 2021 on-site at lodges in Sections 3 and 4, with plans to expand testing as an increased workforce is approved and deployed gradually and safely across the project route. Those who refuse COVID-19 testing will not be permitted on work sites or in workforce lodges. Initial testing will be done using the PCR method (also known as polymerase chain reaction testing). As the testing program progresses, Antigen testing is anticipated to be added.

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Approved, enhanced COVID-19 Management Plan

In addition to testing, Coastal GasLink’s enhanced COVID-19 Management Plan includes robust and effective health and safety measures designed in accordance with public health guidelines, to help keep workers and communities safe. Key elements of our plan are as follows:

  • Retention of B.C.’s Dr. Allan Holmes and Iridia Medical to provide additional expertise with prevention efforts including testing and workforce communication
  • Implementation of standardized protocols across the project for consistency among all prime contractors and workforce lodges
  • Strict and enforced adherence to COVID-19 measures
  • Adoption of the Northern Facility Lead Outbreak System for rapid response
  • Enhanced workforce training and education on COVID-19 measures
  • Continued medical support from private medical provider, International SOS

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Our enhanced COVID-19 Management Plan also includes measures to restrict worker travel to local communities and between work sites, as required under the Public Health Officer Order affecting five industrial projects in the North, while also working with local communities and businesses to provide workers with safe access to local products and services.

“We recognize that these are challenging times for everyone, and we are committed to doing what we can to alleviate concerns for surrounding communities,” said Gibb. “At the same time, we are working to make life at accommodations safer and more comfortable for our workers.”

As we continue to follow all of Dr. Bonnie Henry’s guidelines, we are committed to making sure our workers and surrounding Indigenous and local communities have access to the information they need. You can learn more about these measures and stay connected by visiting