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May 20 2021

May construction update

Posted by Coastal GasLink
Coastal GasLink gears up for summer construction as spring break-up nears end

The end of May will bring spring break-up to an end — dependent on weather conditions — and Coastal GasLink is gearing up for an important summer construction season. This transition time accounts for the dip in workforce numbers reflected in this month’s construction update. Over the summer, our field workforce will ramp up, accelerating the build phase and implementing our construction plans. For example, in some sections, welding crews involved in assembling pipe are already scheduled to start mobilizing and getting set up at our yards at the end of May for anticipated summer pipe installation.

While the project had a limited workforce during the first five months of this year, construction has continued to advance, including the recent 100% completion of clearing in Sections 1 and 2. Through efforts on our 2021 scheduling and planning, we remain on track to bring the pipeline into service in 2023.

Section 8 continues to be our most challenging section for construction as the project passes through the Coastal Mountains. Ledcor-Haisla Limited Partnership (LHLP) joined the Coastal GasLink project earlier this month to lead construction work on the western portion of Section 8, while Macro Spiecapag Joint Venture (MSJV) continues to lead construction work on the eastern portion of Section 8. As part of this change, Icy 1 and Icy 2 Lodges will no longer be needed. The same goes with the P4 Lodge, due to other project considerations. Workers for Section 8 will reside in existing lodges along the project route and Hunter Creek Lodge will be expanded to house additional workers.

Coastal GasLink’s commitment to creating an extraordinary legacy of safety and respect for all peoples, communities and the environment continues and will extend as we prepare for the summer construction season ahead.

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Get all the details in our May construction update