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Jan 6 2022

Coastal GasLink maintains robust and proven health and safety protocols

Posted by Coastal GasLink

At Coastal GasLink, nothing matters more to us than the health and safety of our workers, their families and local communities. With the arrival of the Omicron variant, the continuously evolving COVID-19 pandemic will continue to create challenges across the province, including on our project and within local communities.

Working with health authorities and our medical services providers, we are implementing robust and proven health and safety protocols designed in accordance with public health guidelines, to help keep workers and communities safe such as testing for all workers arriving to site. As the situation with omicron continues to evolve, we are working with our health and safety teams and medical experts to evaluate our plans for effectiveness and implement improvements, as necessary.

Although many reports indicate that Omicron is less severe, we know it has the ability to spread quickly. As Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry recently stated, we (businesses) will need to anticipate that significant numbers of our workforce could become ill and we need to plan accordingly. Coastal GasLink will continue to actively put in all protective layers and all preventive measures available - masking, distancing, vaccination and isolating when sick as well as adapting our work so we can operate at potentially reduced numbers.

With the project now more than 60 percent complete, 2022 will be the most significant construction year yet. Coastal GasLink, and all of our partners, are known for overcoming challenges and are committed to moving this critical piece of infrastructure forward for the long-term prosperity of the North, B.C. and Canada.

As we continue to follow all health guidelines,  we are committed to making sure our workers and surrounding Indigenous and local communities are safe. Hear more from Tracy Robinson, President Coastal GasLink on our commitment.

We will be updating our COVID-19 case numbers on a monthly basis and you can stay connected and get updates by visiting