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Apr 29 2022

April construction update

Posted by Coastal GasLink

Winter construction ends with major milestones in hand

Late March concludes the winter construction program in advance of spring break-up, which is the time of year when field construction work is reduced due to soft, thawing ground conditions caused by melting snow. It has been a significant winter season as more than 60 per cent of the project is now complete and Coastal GasLink continues to mark exciting milestones on the project.

100% Pipeline construction completion in Sections 1 & 4

This month is an exciting one for our Section 1 and Section 4 crews, where we are marking 100% completion of all pipe installation activities. Pipe installation includes construction activities from welding to lowering in and backfilling. With this construction milestone complete, crews in these sections will move on to testing the infrastructure for safe operations. Known as hydrotesting, the completed pipe is filled with water and pressurized to a level that exceeds the operating pressure of the pipeline, ensuring it’s ready to transition safely into operation.

Read our full April construction update here.

Photo of the month


Indigenous groups sign historic equity option agreements with TC Energy on Coastal GasLink

Delivering a world-class project that will provide economic benefits for Indigenous communities, British Columbians and Canadians for decades to come has been a priority since day one. Last month, TC Energy signed option agreements to sell a 10 per cent equity interest in Coastal GasLink to the CGL First Nations Limited Partnership (CGL FNLP) and the FN CGL Pipeline Limited Partnership. The opportunity was made available to all 20 Indigenous communities holding existing agreements with Coastal GasLink and is an important step on the path to true partnership through equity ownership in the Project. Since construction began, hundreds of key roles have been held by local Indigenous people, and over $1 billion in contracts have been awarded to local Indigenous businesses on the project. In 2021 alone, we invested over $550,000 in local Indigenous communities to support community initiatives, skills training and education.