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Jul 28 2022

Coastal GasLink statement on B.C. Prosecution Services charges against contemnors

Posted by Coastal GasLink

Updated: July 28, 2022

Today, Coastal GasLink informed the court that it would not proceed with civil contempt proceedings against the remaining contemnors.

Updated: July 7, 2022

At Coastal GasLink the safety of our workforce, their families and the Indigenous and local communities remains our number one priority.

In June, at the previous court date, the Crown proceeded with a decision to pursue criminal contempt for a number of contemnors. Today, the Crown has indicated that they are pursuing criminal contempt against four additional contemnors.

The matter has been adjourned to provide Coastal GasLink time to consider whether to bring proceedings against those the Crown is not pursuing criminal contempt against.

Since December 2018, Coastal GasLink has dealt with numerous violations of enforceable B.C. Supreme Court injunctions from individuals who have engaged in escalating disruptive and dangerous actions.

We are committed to delivering this critical energy infrastructure project and any risk to the safety of our workforce or others in the vicinity of the project route is of the greatest importance. Our work is fully authorized and permitted and has the unprecedented support of local and Indigenous communities across the project route.

June 1, 2022

On June 1, 2022, the BC Prosecution Services determined they will proceed with criminal contempt against 15 individuals who violated the B.C. Supreme Court injunction during blockade activities in Fall of 2021.

 At Coastal GasLink the safety of our workforce, their families and the Indigenous and local communities is our number one priority, therefore we agree with the decision from the Crown to pursue criminal charges and hold the contemnors accountable for their actions.

Since December 2018, Coastal GasLink has dealt with numerous violations of B.C. Supreme Court injunctions, which should allow us the continued safe access and construction of the project. Individuals have repeatedly violated the injunction, engaging in escalating disruptive and dangerous actions including the violent attack (February 17) on our workers by a group of masked, axe-wielding assailants at the Morice River Drill site.

Our work is fully authorized and permitted by the federal and provincial governments and has the unprecedented support of local and Indigenous communities across the project route. Our security team remains extra vigilant in order to ensure the safety of our workforce and the surrounding communities.