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Sep 13 2022

A first-of-its-kind reclamation initiative leaves a lasting legacy for the District of Vanderhoof

Posted by Coastal GasLink

District of Vanderhoof

Coastal GasLink is committed to leaving an extraordinary legacy by investing in local communities along the Project route that will provide long-term, tangible benefits for years to come.

When our team began engaging with Indigenous and local communities and governments over a decade ago, we collaborated on a reclamation plan based on feedback and input from communities along with accredited and experienced B.C. environmental specialists and experts.

The reclamation and legacy of the Vanderhoof lodge site demonstrates how when we work together with our community partners, we can ensure we follow through on our commitments of environmental stewardship and long-term economic benefits.

Successfully decommissioned in 2021, the former Vanderhoof Lodge site has undergone extensive reclamation work to establish and restore agricultural productivity. What was once home for hundreds of workers along Coastal GasLink’s 670-kilometre route, has been transformed into what will soon be almost 48 acres of viable farmland.

“To see this through from start to end is important for me. I take a lot of pride in the work that I do, and to have the stewardship of the site and see it be successful is something we can all be proud of,” said Patrick Boylan, Environmental Inspector. “The reclamation techniques were designed to improve the agricultural capability of the site and we will see productive agriculture here going forward,” he continued.

With more than 800 workers at the lodge during peak construction, the Project has brought significant economic benefits to the community of Vanderhoof, including industrial tax revenue, lease payments and local business opportunities. We want to thank Vanderhoof Council for their vision of mutual benefits when they offered the Airport location, and we want to thank the community for welcoming Coastal GasLink, our contractors, and our workers.”

Kiel Giddens
Project Director of Public Affairs, Coastal GasLink.

As part of ongoing reclamation efforts at the site, tillage radishes were planted on 16.5 acres of the area that was originally farmed. Tillage radishes were used because their deep roots can grow quickly and help break through compacted soils. Coastal GasLink worked closely with McTavish Resource and Management Consultants Ltd. to implement nutrient management planning tools and engaged a local agronomist to optimize future production.

In addition to the economic benefits, Coastal GasLink provided in-kind donations of a trailer and fencing to the District of Vanderhoof, and a $50,000 legacy donation towards long-term Vanderhoof Airport infrastructure and terminal planning. In 2021, the project also provided $50,000 towards the purchase of a new electric Zamboni for the community.

Whether it’s striving for the highest standards of environmental protection during construction, and for the lifecycle of the pipeline, or fostering longstanding relationships with communities, our work doesn’t end once the Project enters operations.

Vanderhoof Legacy and Reclamation

Our dedication to creating a legacy of safety and respect for all people, communities and the environment remains foundational now, and for decades to come, to the Extraordinary Legacy of Coastal GasLink.


It’s unbelievable. It really goes to show you how a municipality can work together with industry and agriculture.”

Gerry Thiessen
Vanderhoof Mayor