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Oct 28 2022

October construction update

Posted by Coastal GasLink

Coastal GasLink reaches 75% overall completion, positioning Project for a strong finish to 2022

This September, construction of Coastal GasLink reached 75 per cent completion overall, with a number of milestone completions and major advancements well underway. Favourable weather conditions over the summer enabled crews to begin pipe installation at Cable Crane Hill, a steep slope in the Coast Mountains, resulting in 30 per cent of pipe being installed ahead of schedule. Nearby, crews used a raised bore technique to tunnel through a mountain at Steep Slope 3. This incredible feat of engineering is enabling increased safety and efficiency, including overall cost and schedule improvements. On the eastern end of the Project, crews are making significant progress along steep slopes at Mount Merrick and the Headwall.

Nearly all major watercourse crossings complete

Our dedicated construction and environment teams are working together to ensure we are protecting and caring for critical waterways across the 670-kilometre project route. With the recent completion of the Crocker Creek Direct Pipe Installation (DPI) in Section 3, we have now safely and successfully completed 9 out of 10 major watercourse crossings. To learn more about how we protect this valuable resource, visit our website: Coastal GasLink – Water crossings

Reclamation advancing across right-of-way

Reclamation is the final stage of pipeline construction and involves restoring the environment back to its preconstruction state. And in some cases, such as the former Vanderhoof lodge site which is now complete, we worked together with the District of Vanderhoof and agricultural consultants to restore and enhance agricultural viability of this site.

Read our full October construction update.

Photo of the month


Reclamation underway

As Coastal GasLink heads into the final year of construction, clean-up and reclamation work is underway in some areas along the project route. Ashley, a former Construction Monitoring and Community Liaison (CMCL) from Nak'azdli Whut'en is checking out the progress in her new role as an Environmental Inspector. Using leading environmental technology, Ashley is conducting a post-construction assessment to ensure that measures installed during the final clean-up and reclamation phases of construction are functioning as designed. Learn more about the stages of construction and reclamation.