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Nov 23 2022

Coastal GasLink raises over $120,000 for Northern B.C. communities

Posted by Coastal GasLink

United Way Legacy of Giving

As part of this year’s Legacy of Giving campaign, Coastal GasLink raised over $123,800 from across our organization and our prime contractors in support of the United Way of Northern B.C. (UWNBC).

“At UWNBC, we value our relationships above all else, and we are so grateful for the one we have built with Coastal GasLink. By working together, we have been able to put over $220,000 back into communities across Northern B.C. in just two years. Through the incredible generosity of Coastal GasLink and their prime contractors, we continue to bring resources into the region that otherwise would not be there,” says Trista Spencer, Executive Director, United Way of Northern B.C.

The funds raised will be re-invested in local Northern B.C. non-profit organizations to support programs and services that address socio-economic challenges such as food insecurity, poverty, mental health and addiction.

The success of this campaign was thanks to the whole project coming together to create a legacy that we can all be proud of. Coastal GasLink, our eight prime contractors, and our collective workforce worked hard to raise funds that were then matched by Empower, TC Energy’s workforce and community giving program, to ensure maximum benefits for communities.

We’re grateful for the dedication of our prime contractors and workforce who rallied together to support this important initiative”

Sonya Kirby
Vice President, Project Delivery

"Coastal GasLink is about building more than a pipeline. When we speak to our workforce, stakeholders and local and Indigenous communities about how we are leaving a lasting legacy in their communities, this is part of how we accomplish that. Coastal GasLink is proud of our partnership with the United Way of Northern B.C., and seeing the funds raised go directly back into the communities where we work is something special," said Sonya Kirby, Vice President, Project Delivery for Coastal GasLink.


United Way Legacy of Giving

As part of the campaign, Coastal GasLink and UWNBC teams visited workforce accommodations to raise awareness about the campaign and the impact donations will have. 

We are committed to creating an extraordinary legacy in the communities in which we live, work and operate. Over the course of construction, communities in Northern B.C. have become home to many members of our workforce and taking care of our neighbours is an important part of that legacy.

Last year, Coastal GasLink raised more than $97,000 and saw funds directed towards 10 organizations supporting food security, poverty & social assistance and mental health and addictions.

Read more about the relationship we're building with the United Way of Northern B.C.