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Jul 20 2023

Coastal GasLink updates on spring conditions

Posted by Coastal GasLink

With forecasted record-breaking high temperatures, and higher than average snowpack conditions across northern B.C., Coastal GasLink is taking proactive measures to protect the integrity of its work sites and prevent impacts from erosion and sediment that comes with rapid spring melt.

We currently have over 700 workers dedicated to monitoring conditions and implementing erosion and sediment control (ESC) measures as required across the project, including 23 Certified Professionals in Erosion and Sediment Control whose roles are to ensure we are ready to respond and adapt should additional situations require it.

Key measures Coastal GasLink is implementing to protect the environment include:

  • In Section 3, our crews hauled 5,000 truckloads of snow off the project route and are working hard to protect watercourses along the route.
  • We have launched a third-party expert review of our erosion and sediment control plans and their implementation in Section 3. This review will help us identify if any additional measures are required to support our response, and learnings will be applied across the project.
  • Across the project, Environmental specialists are actively assessing our erosion and sediment control installations to ensure they comply with our regulatory commitments and where required developing additional mitigations to prevent impacts from spring melt.

Coastal GasLink is committed to adjusting work plans and implementing additional ESC mitigation measures based on professional recommendations to protect the environment. For example, Coastal GasLink recently proactively paused work in key areas of Section 3 due to rapid spring melt conditions and has continued to evaluate and shift resources to support enhanced ESC measures as needed across the project footprint.

Construction is progressing along critical sections of the 670-km project route, where it is safe to do so. We continue to be on track to complete construction by the end of 2023, and are now nearing 89% complete on the project.

Update as of July 20, 2023

Thanks to the hard work of our teams focused on enhanced erosion and sediment control (ESC), we are pleased to report the BC Environmental Assessment Office has lifted all Stop Work Orders.

  • Section 1, KP 89-90
  • Section 2, KP 128-130
  • Section 3, KP 140-161
  • Section 7, KP 565-576
  • Section 8, KP 600-608

Coastal GasLink has been focused on implementing enhanced ESC measures in areas along the project route that have been challenged by high spring temperatures and rapid snow melt. These enhanced measures are designed to ensure the protection of the environment and important watercourses during this time.

In addition to the implementation of ESC measures, work continues along the 670-kilometre route as progress continues toward overall project completion by the end of 2023.

Past updates