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Oct 30 2023

October construction update

Posted by Coastal GasLink

Major milestone: Coastal GasLink achieves 100% pipe installation

Coastal GasLink has achieved 100% pipe installation across the entire project route, connecting northeastern B.C. to LNG Canada’s facility on the west coast. The final ‘Golden Weld’ took place at the base of Cable Crane Hill in Section 8 West earlier this month.

This milestone means that all 670 kilometres of pipe has been welded, coated, lowered into the trench, rigorously tested, and backfilled. From the Wilde Lake Compressor Station near Dawson Creek to our Metering Station in Kitimat, physical construction on the project is now complete.

The work is the last step before mechanical completion which is well on track for our year-end target and advances Coastal GasLink as Canada’s first direct path for LNG to international markets.

What’s next

While completion activities advance, the Coastal GasLink team continues to work on clean-up and reclamation along the route, including time sensitive work that must take place prior to the onset of winter. This work will continue post mechanical completion and commissioning and also factors in erosion and sediment control (ESC) measures as required to protect the environment and meet our commitments. Following mechanical completion, our highly trained team will be planning the introduction of gas.

By the numbers

This milestone is part of the incredible story of Coastal GasLink, on and off the project route, from the completion of major feats of engineering, to the extraordinary legacy the project has created for B.C., Canada, and North America.

Coastal GasLink post-construction map

Read more about what’s next for Coastal GasLink in this month’s Construction Update. You can continue to stay up to date on Coastal GasLink by following us on X (Twitter), Facebook and Instagram.


Coastal GasLink achieves 100% pipe installation

With pipeline installation 100% as of October 7, 2023, we reflect on the incredible achievements, on and off the right of way. From the completion of major feats of engineering, to the incredible dedication of our workers, and Indigenous and local contractors, together we have accomplished so much.