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Jun 18 2024

Post-construction update

Posted by Coastal GasLink

Phase 1 close out work underway

With mechanical completion of Coastal GasLink Phase 1 achieved in November 2023, we are now focused on safe and reliable operations of the pipeline system while continuing to complete clean-up and reclamation work along the route.

Key activities include:

Clean-up  Machine clean-up of the right of way, as well as clean-up of temporary workspaces and ancillary sites.

Access roads – Decommissioning access roads.

Reclamation – Activities focus on restoring the land as close to its original state as possible. An important part of this work is respecting and protecting culturally significant areas along the right-of-way. We continue to work with Indigenous communities to identify plant species of cultural importance for traditional land use and stability.

Erosion and sediment control – Ensuring erosion and sediment control measures are in place across the route to protect the environment, including watercourses.

Workforce – While most workforce accommodations have been decommissioned, approximately 1,500 workers are expected to return throughout the summer months to undertake important clean-up and reclamation work. 

Coastal GasLink post-construction map

Read more about what’s happening on Coastal GasLink in our Post-construction Update.

You can continue to stay up to date on Coastal GasLink by following us on X (Twitter), Facebook and Instagram.


Committed to communities and the environment

Our work doesn’t end once project construction is complete. Following construction, we are committed to restoration of the land to as close to its original state as possible. As part of our Post-construction Monitoring Program, we will monitor and assess the construction footprint to validate the return of function of watercourses, wetlands and wildlife. We will also look at the effectiveness of the measures we put in place to reduce impacts.