Concerns addressed over 2022-2023 construction season, with environmental protection continuing to be our top priority.
Today, the B.C. Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) announced administrative penalties due to erosion and sediment control issues observed between Fall 2022 and Spring 2023, while Coastal GasLink was still under construction.
We respect the role our regulators have in upholding the high regulatory standards that we are committed to meeting. As soon as these issues were identified, we took immediate and decisive action to correct them. Since Fall 2023, Coastal GasLink has been fully and consistently compliant with the EAO on erosion and sediment control. At the height of construction in Spring 2023, over 500 people were dedicated to managing erosion and sediment control full time, including over 700 Erosion and Sediment Control-trained team members across the project.
With construction of Coastal GasLink completed in November 2023, we are focused on safely completing clean-up, reclamation and permanent erosion and sediment control installation activities along the route which is on track to be completed this fall. We remain steadfast in our commitment to achieving the highest standards of environmental protection as we unlock Canada’s first direct path for LNG export.

A heavy lift helicopter removes a tower from cable crane hill as a part of final clean up and restoration activities.